Blessings to you in the mighty matchless name of the Messiah Yeshua/Jesus!
After much prayer and meditation over our current situation it is our belief that our service this Sunday should return to live-streaming only. As we have mentioned before, we are in unprecedented times and unprecedented times require unprecedented decisions. This is a fluid situation with many moving targets but we are on top of it! In addition to all of this our governor has now issued a “directive“ (not just recommendation as it was previously) which will limit our gathering size to no more than 10 people. This “directive†carries the weight of law and is binding upon all citizens. We thank the LORD that we heard the voice of the Holy Spirit before all this transpired.
Please know that we are daily in prayer and intercession seeking the plan and purpose of the LORD during these challenging times. As you know, The Lord also directed us to have a prayer room this year, and we will continue to follow that Holy instruction however, it will be restricted to pastoral staff only for the time being. Because there is no distance in the Spirit we encourage each of you to join us in prayer from your homes or wherever else you may find yourself.
We will continue to live stream prayer and healing school Monday through Thursday starting at 12:30. Please join us for that hour of power!
We ask each and everyone of you to gather your families together on Sunday morning at 10:00 for our church service as we celebrate the story of our King! Additionally this Friday night at 7:00 we will be having a church wide life-streaming time of communion. So, gather your family together along with some Unleavened bread or crackers and grape juice for our community communion.
Faithfulness is still a requirement of God’s people whether we are meeting in a church auditorium, at an outdoor meeting, among the catacombs, in an underground church or live-streaming in your living room!
We WILL gather together again soon until then remember, we are NOT canceling church we are merely doing church differently!
For King and Kingdom,
Pastor Scott