Agape Nursery - Newborn through Age 5

Your wee ones will be lavishly loved and cared for by our beautiful volunteers in the Agape Nursery program. Here we serve newborns through Kindergarteners, and our goal is for each child to feel the love of God in every interaction. They will quickly identify church as a happy, safe place to be, and each young heart will learn that Jesus truly is a forever friend! Agape Nursery is open every Sunday morning and every Wednesday evening during our regular service times.
Agape Kids- 1st thru 6th grades

Agape Kids is an awesome spot for children ages 1st through 6th grade. Here kids learn the basics of the Christian faith, and they have loads of fun while they're learning! In our spacious, clean auditorium, we have so many fun activities, passionate volunteers and teachers, and your kids will truly find a home here. They worship, they play, they learn to love Jesus - what more could you ask for?! Services are held Sunday morning and Wednesday evening during our regular service times.
Agape Youth - 7th thru 12th grades

Agape Teens is for all teens 7th through 12th grade. We meet Wednesday evenings from 7-8 pm in the Family Life Center. Teens are served up massive doses of Biblical Worldview teaching, and it is our goal that they embrace the truth of Christianity for themselves and say no to the deceptions of this world. Where did I come from? Why am I here? Who defines right and wrong? What happens to me when I die? These are all questions that need answers, and our teens are learning what the Bible has to say about these worldview questions.
Amped - 5th through 8th grades

Amped is a Sunday morning only ministry for 5th through 8th graders. These kiddos join Sunday morning worship in the main auditorium, but following worship they are dismissed to meet in a small group together with an Agape volunteer. They will hear a message designed just for them and can embrace this time to grow in the Word and in relationship with one another.